Job Norway NUF has the pleasure to offer you a possibility to come to work as a waiter/waitress and receptionist at a small hotel in Western Norway outside of Stavanger. We are looking for one hotelworker who can work as a waiter/waitress and receptionist in a full-time position starting as soon as possible until the 31st of August 2019 with the possibility to prolong.
Cerințe de poziție: The applicant must have at least 2 years of relevant work experience as Waiter/Waitress or Receptionist. In addition a good level of English language skills are required.
Salariu: NOK 31.000 – 32.000 NOK (ca 3.200 – 3.305 EUR) gross pr. months depending on experience and qualifications. In addition comes overtime compensation of + 40%.
Cazare/masă: We offer housing at very low cost
Informaţii suplimentare despre job: Full time position from the as soon as possible until the 31st of August 2019 with the possibility to prolong.
Cum aplici? Send short application and CV pr. e-mail. Diplomas and other papers must be brought if interview.
Până când poţi? 31st of May 2019
Pentru mai multe informaţii: please call Mr. David Mathisen at +358 505870763 or send e-mail on [email protected]
- 2 years of relevant work experience
- Good level of English language
- Serviceminded
- Positive
- Flexible
NOTĂ: Site-ul nu este agenţie de recrutare şi nu intermediază angajarea pentru posturile vacante publicate în anunţurile cu locuri de muncă. Persoanele interesate pot contacta în mod direct angajatorii, la adresele de contact care apar în cuprinsul anunţului.
[email protected]
Buna seara caut de lucru că și recepționer de hotel am 25 de ani vb spaniola Norvegiana engleza și romana