We have received more customers and need you to do the job with us!
Căutăm angajaţi care:
- have cleaning experience. (Stairs cleaning and restaurant cleaning)
- is independent, motivated and effective.
- is service minded and has attention to detail.
- punctual and responsible.
- is positive and in good physical shape.
- speaks good Norwegian or English and sees the importance of communicating closely.
If you have a driver’s license and your own car, it is good, but no requirement.
pay by tariff
- close follow-up of employees, but at the same time freedom under responsibility
good working environment with friendly and helpful colleagues
- good training
daytime cleaning
- the job percentage (20-60%) can be increased for the right person.
We look forward to starting a good work realtionship with YOU!
Cum aplici? Trimiti CV-ul la adresa [email protected]
Unde? Smørhusbakken 1, 9300 Finnsnes
Angajator: Mt Renholdsservice As
NOTĂ: Site-ul www.jurnaldenord.info nu este agenţie de recrutare şi nu intermediază angajarea pentru posturile vacante publicate în anunţurile cu locuri de muncă. Persoanele interesate pot contacta în mod direct angajatorii, la adresele de contact care apar în cuprinsul anunţului
Lilia says
Buna ma numesc Lilia caut loc de munca in domeniul curatenie menangerie am exsperienta de munca in acest domeniu in Russia doresc un loc de munca in familii cu vorbire rusa italiana romina
Gheorghe says
Jeg jobbet i England som renholder, jeg vet hvordan jeg får jobb på dette feltet, jeg kan ikke snakke norsk.
Costin Cristina Gabriela says
Bună ma numesc Cristina st din România și am locuință an oslo st o persoana care i place foarte mult curățenia de aceea a-mi doresc an domeniu aceste un job la curățenie nu contează unde va mulțumesc și sper sa ma ajute cineva