Electricians with Norwegian DSB Certificate!
Staras AS
Olaf Helsets vei 5, 0694 Oslo
Staras AS employs about 50 people and serve the Norwegian constructor industry in varies skilled fields.
We are in a very expansive phase and we therefor need to recruit more skilled workers and especially in the field of electricians, in order to supply our many ongoing projects in Norway. Please take the opportunity to look for a new and exciting project in Staras AS
Take part of a winning team and hand in your C.V
Gr L or approved DSB certification which allows you to work as an independent electricians in the Norwegian market.
- We want you who can work independently as well as in a team.
- You should have a high service level and love to serve.
- You should always have a positive attitude in all situations.
- You need to be able to communicate fluently in English.
We offer best sallary, and best terms.
Cum aplici?
Go to www.staras.no
Apply on the following link: http://staras.no/side/ledige-stillinger/
mail: [email protected]
Persoană de contact
Peter Grange, Mobile +47 46351600
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