Restaurant Foodie is hiring experienced waiter/waitress and chef
Restaurant Foodie is a modern and exciting place to work. Our cuisine is mainly inspired by Chinese and our chefs are continuously experimenting with new variations to please our demanding customer segment. As we are located in the tourist area of Oslo city centre, our customers are a mix of both local and international guests.
Our working environment is multi-ethnical, and our working culture is characterized by being inclusive and social. Our success is dependent on teamwork, pride in our work, ability to take responsibility and to have fun at work.
Currently we are seeking to expand our existing team with three additional waiters/waitresses and a new chef.
Want to be the new addition to our team?
Calificări chelner:
- Good communication and cooperation skills
- Able to handle a hectic environment
- Experience from previous work as waiter/waitress
- Experience from bartending is an advantage, but not requirement.
- English spoken proficiency
- Norwegian and other languages is an advantage, but not requirement.
As a starting point the positions are temporary, but with good chances of permanent employment based on performance. Working hours as percentage of full-time equivalent are flexible and can be discussed.
Calificări bucătar:
- Good communication and cooperation skills
- Able to handle a hectic environment
- Experience from previous work as chef (minimum 3 years)
- Experience with tapas or/and traditional Chinese cuisine
- English spoken proficiency
- Norwegian, Chinese and other languages is an advantage, but not requirement.
As a starting point the positions are temporary, but with good chances of permanent employment based on performance. Working hours as percentage of full-time equivalent are flexible and can be discussed.
Starting date: As soon as possible.
Pagina web a angajatorului aici.
Cum aplici?
Will you join or foodventure? Please don’t hesitate and send us your cv and application to ( [email protected] ).
NOTĂ: Site-ul nu este agenţie de recrutare şi nu intermediază angajarea pentru posturile vacante publicate în anunţurile cu locuri de muncă. Persoanele interesate pot contacta în mod direct angajatorii, la adresele de contact care apar în cuprinsul anunţului.
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