The Romanians are again in the attention of the Norwegian media for organized crime and illegal activities in Bergen, Norway. The NRK media team has worked for almost 2 years to document a network of about 100 individuals that are … Continue reading
Romania at the European Championships in Womens Rugby, Bergen 7th, 8th June
FIRA (Association of European Rugby) have chosen the city of Bergen to host the Women’s European Rugby Sevens Tournament on June 7th & 8th. 12 nations will participate with Romania being one of these. The winner and runners-up will continue … Continue reading
Norway for dummies: the beginners guide to first world problems
Warning: This is not an exercise in academic complexities disguised as an article. This is not a hedonistic self-indulgence. This is not an arena for incomprehensible expressions and such other delicacies. This is me talking to you, simple and honest.
Norway: Is world’s largest sovereign wealth fund too big?
Most of Europe is struggling with how to reduce spending, but not Norway. It has invested the income from its oil and gas reserves so wisely that it now has what many consider to be the world’s largest sovereign wealth … Continue reading
LSD may not be bad for you, says Norwegian study
The late acid guru Dr Timothy Leary would doubtless have claimed to have known it all along, but after conducting an exhaustive study on tens of thousands of Americans, a team of Norwegian scientists has concluded that LSD may actually … Continue reading
Romanian engineers bound for Norway
Romanian technicians and engineers are on their way to work in Norway’s booming gas and oil industry thanks to a recruitment session for which EURES pre-selected many of the job candidates. Three Norwegian engineering companies – Dfind Engineering AS, Slitasjeteknikk … Continue reading
The Romanian Ambassador in Norway, Daniel Ionita, replies to an article on the Romanian beggars published in Drammens Tidende
”To: Mr. Håkon Borund, Drammens Tidende, Postboks 7033, 3007 Drammen Dear Redactor in Chief, I highly appreciate both your professionalism and your efforts in presenting the situation of needy people in Norway. In particular, I have the honour to refer to an article published … Continue reading
Norwegians more positive towards immigrants
Over the last ten years, Norwegians have become far more positive towards immigrants, according to figures from Statistics Norway (SSB). The same tendency is shown by a fresh survey carried out by Response for the Bergen municipality. According to SSB, … Continue reading