Press release: ”The Association of Romanians in Norway (Rumensk Forening i Norge) wishes to informs the members and symphatizers that its steering committee decided to participate at the protest regarding Barnevernet which will be organized in front of the Norwegian Parliament on Saturday, 20th of February, 15.00- 19.00.
The main requierements we want to present at the protest:
- The publication of a „guide for parents” by Barnevernet at least in English and more information regarding the Child Protection Services rules and regulations and the ways in which these apply on practice.
- Respect for identity by providing access to practice their native language, their parents religion and the Romanian traditions to all the 18 Romanian children which are now under the care of Child Protection Services in Norway.
- Considering the settlement in the extented family as a first option considered by the Child Protection Services when a child must be taken from the biological parents.
- Respect for the natural right of the child to be settled in a family formed by a mother and a father.
- Informing the parents about the hearing of the children by the Child Protection Services and the allowance of „indirect” presence (special room separated by glass) of the parents or a legal representant of their own.
- Clear definition (with examples) of notions like: „psychic abuse”, „verbal violence” and „carelessness”, „child s superior interest”.
- The access of the Romanian authorities (embassy s representatives) to the Romanian children taken into care by revealing them the place there are and permitting visits.
- The establishment of a parlamentary comission to check and reconsider those cases where there are suspicions of breaking the legal procedures or human rights.
President, Emanuel Sorin Cioacă”
The Association of Romanians in Norway participates at the protest regarding Barnevernet, Saturday, February 20, in…
Posted by Emanuel Sorin Cioaca on Sunday, 14 February 2016
It is not too late. It is not only about Bondariu family… This concerns all the other immigrant families in Norway.
Here is a nasty article in Vart Land:
The author of the article is at sea when he says that Romanians have no reasons to fear that their children might be abusively confiscated as it happened in Bodnariu, Nan and Radulescu families. How in the world someone can not have concerns about the state system when any incident happens between an individual and the state, the vast majority of Norwegians (including all journalists) agree with the state agency even though they did not conduct a minimum investigation. How difficult is for a state employee to commit abuses on families when she or he knows that no one will initiate any investigation of her/ his conduct? As far as the pastor who spoke for V.T, I understand his fear that he will remain jobless if his members would decide to move to another country. Since he has a high level of trust in Barnevernet they may hire him as a „conselour” or social worker…